By Paul M Hanssen
May I begin by offering a fair warning – this article is going to upset some people. Some of the words that I feel to share will rattle your belief system and cause you to pause and ask yourself “what do I really believe?” My prayer whilst writing this article is that eyes will be opened, and spiritual senses awakened. There is a spirit of slumber wreaking havoc within the church world and this article is my meager attempt to bring light into an area that has been darkened within the hearts and minds of many Christians today.

Almost everyone has heard of, or seen, the TV series “The Chosen”. My wife and I have attempted at least four times to watch this series after having heard much amazing, positive, and excited feedback about the series. I received the feedback from people whom I consider spiritual and who, in general, normally, have good spiritual insight and discernment. However, on all four attempts, our spirits were stirred deeply within us to where we were not able to sit and watch what was being presented as the truth concerning my Jesus and His disciples. Rather, I felt like I was drinking a deadly cocktail mixture of truth and error.
Who is the Son of God? Where, and to whom, is He revealed? How do we know Him and experience Him? What causes us to truly behold Him and His glory? I wonder how the early Apostolic Church would have responded to these questions? What would the saints of earlier times have said concerning Him who became their Redeemer and lover of their soul? How did they know Him? What screen or performance did they use to get a greater vision of the One who died for them, who rose again, and who is seated at the right hand of God? OK, lots of questions here, but each question deserves an answer.
But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:11-12).
There is only one way that you can know the Son of God – by revelation. The Gospel was given by revelation. Jesus was presented to the gentiles by revelation. The Word of God was written as holy men were moved by the Holy Ghost and the spirit of revelation. The New Testament Church was built upon the revelation of who Jesus is.
Through the Holy Ghost, God has given us sixty-six books that expose, reveal, and show us who His Son is and who His Son reveals, namely the Father. Everything God intended for us to know concerning Him is hidden within the pages of the sixty-six books called the Bible. Paul stated to the Galatian Church that the Gospel that he was sent to teach was “not after man, neither received he the gospel from a man, and neither was he taught the gospel by a man.” Paul, along with the other seven writers of the New Testament, were given the words to pen that show us the mystery of God’s Son. Whatever we need to know about Him is revealed within the pages of scripture.
Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith (Romans 16:25-26).
Considering the topic at hand, the outstanding words in the above verses are mystery, kept secret, revelation, and made manifest. Jesus, and the Gospel, are made manifest and revealed by the Holy Ghost through the scriptures that we have received. And yet, people all around me are wanting me to believe that a Hollywood screen play has revealed Jesus to them in a way that they have never seen Him before. Yes, exactly, He is being presented in a way that the Word of God has not revealed Him. Something within the humanistic senses of mankind wants to bring my Savior down to “man’s level”. This attempt is made because it gives mankind more of a right to be human. The Hollywood revelation of the Son of God removes from us the need to be “spiritually minded” by focusing on aspects of Jesus life that the Bible says nothing about. Whilst watching The Chosen the audience is taken on a journey that crisscrosses lines between truth and fiction (or error) – and yet very few know when the lines are crossed. Therefore, truth is being attached to fiction and the undiscerning, gullible soul comes away with an absolute false picture of reality.
It is true that “The Chosen” thoughtfully characterizes aspects of the Gospels, no problem with that. This can certainly have a positive and meaningful effect on the viewer. However, the most dangerous form of deception is the mixture of truth and error. As already stated, The Chosen series is full of this mixture. You cannot know my God and His Son through fiction and certainly not through a mixture of truth and error!
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: (Revelation 22:18)
It is a serious matter to add anything to that which God has given us concerning His Son. What book was the Apostle John referring to in the above verse? It was the Book of Revelation. What is the Book of Revelation about?
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him… (Revelation 1:1).
John’s revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Nowhere in the Revelation of Jesus Christ do I see frivolity, games being played, or Jesus “letting His hair down”, so to speak, for the sake of “being a human”. This is absurd. And yet thousands of people have been caught up in a false presentation of who He is, a presentation conjured in the minds of Hollywood creators who are driven by a spirit of humanism. “Oh, let’s just make Jesus more like us” is the theme, rather than us focusing on becoming more like Him.
Jesus came to reveal one thing and one thing only, His Father!
If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. (John 14:7)
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? (John 14:9)
Everything Jesus did, the words He spoke, His actions, reactions, and behavior served to reveal the Father – and nothing but the Father. Even when He was twelve years of age, Jesus was found in the Temple in Jerusalem going about His Father’s business (Luke 2:49). I have not read yet in the Bible where it states that Jesus was playing “hopscotch” in the Temple courts. I am in no way saying that Jesus did not exhibit human nature; He was after all clothed in human flesh. However, what I am saying is that we do not have the right to add to His story. We do not have the right to display Him in a way that suites our own fancy. We have no right to add one jot or tittle to the pages of God’s Word. In doing so, we endanger ourselves by opening our hearts to spirits of deception; at the end of the day, this is the entire purpose - deception.
I have had several people attempt to argue with me concerning my stand on this matter. One of the arguments raised is the fact that The Chosen series made them cry. Over the years of my life, I have seen several movies and documentaries that have made me cry. Not one of them were about Jesus. The fact that people are moved to tears when they watch The Chosen is not proof of the purity and authenticity of its message. The whole purpose of theatrics is to move the soul. Whilst watching a movie a person can be moved to laugh, to be sad, to cry, to feel anger, and to feel calm. Does any of that have anything to do with God? Absolutely not. So please, don’t try to tell me that this presentation of Jesus is inspired by God because it made you cry! Nonsense!
Humanism is running rampant in the church world today. People seek ways in which to feel better about themselves and their human behavior. There has been, and there is, an attempt in the church world to bring God down to the level of man rather than man transcending back into the image and likeness of God. The eternal God and Father is now called “daddy” by believers worldwide. How did that happen? The disrespect of human beings towards my precious Lord sickens me to my core. Yes, Jesus was clothed in humanity. Yes, He was tempted in all points as we are. And yes, He felt pain, He hungered, He slept, He rejoiced, He wept, and He even died. However, He did all of this without sin and without “giving in” to the human nature with which He was clothed (Hebrews 4:15). His mission was to lead mankind back to what they had lost. He came to show the way by being the Way!
If you feel like you need some form of entertainment, then go ahead and watch The Chosen, no problem. I’m sure it is better entertainment than most things presented on the screen today. However, please do not justify watching the series by attempting to make yourself and others believe that you are doing so to get a greater revelation or vision of who Jesus is. You are looking to the wrong place if you are genuinely seeking for Him – He will not be found there. You will not find a greater, pure, divine, and authentic revelation of Jesus by watching The Chosen. Fiction has never, and will never, reveal eternal truth! The Chosen does not reveal Jesus or His life based upon the pages of the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Holy Word of God. Hollywood cannot replace the Holy Word. Call it for what it is - it is entertainment – IT IS NOT TRUTH!
-Paul M Hanssen
Hi Paul, good to read your comments! Finally someone who dares to speak the truth! Actually, we already had a feeling of aversion because of the ‘popularity’ of the series. So we didn’t watch it, and glad we didn’t.
I've not watched the series nor have i heard of it. Actually Iam hearing it for the very first time here.
Iam however grateful for this timely warning about the theatrics and what comes out of hollywood. This is not the first time they have acted about Jesus Christ. I want to think even their previous preventations of our Master are erroneous too. We could not have seen anything absurd maybe becouse we never thought there could be serious additive mixtures.
Thank you for sounding the trumpet loud. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours.
thanke you for telling the truth god bless you and your famaly
Thank you Pastor for sharing your discernment and taking a stand for Truth.