The Coming Kingdom Revival
By Paul M Hanssen
Since the beginning of 2024, I have been warning through the Spirit of prophecy that 2024 would be a year of shaking. Perils, woes, and various calamities were prophesied through the Spirit of God. We were warned that this year would be a year of God exposing sin within church leadership, but also in our own lives. We were warned of wars, tornados, political upheavals, weather devastations, and more, which is yet to come. These are not God’s direct judgments (not yet) but rather His awakening call given to a spiritually lethargic and apathetic world. Many have not been directly affected by the horrific events that have already taken place this year. I know many who shrug it all off with little concern. However, everyone will be affected in one way or another, especially when personal finances begin to be affected. History has repeatedly proven that most people do not respond to the call of God until the knock is heard on their personal door. This is the sad reality.
God’s people are asleep. These words have been spoken and written many times over the past decades; however, instead of causing an awakening, they have made the slothful immune to the burning cry of the Spirit to awaken. The church has become deafened to God's voice and indifferent to the moving of His Spirit.

Worldwide, arenas are filled with people attending “so-called” worship services or gospel concerts. For the most part, these events are nothing but entertainment. Multitudes flock to “churches” to hear “feel-good-about-yourself” speeches that only serve to strengthen man’s warped and favorable sin-sick view of himself. Globally, the unadulterated Word of Truth is watered down from pulpits and no longer remotely resembles the words spoken by the prophets, the apostles, or Jesus. Onlookers proclaim “revival” as they witness the size of the crowds flocking to arenas and megachurches. However, what is witnessed today does not resemble the revival promised in the end times. The world has not yet seen the final move of God, a move that will not look like anything man has speculated, predicted, or projected.
The refreshing, restoring revival that will precede the coming of the Lord will not pamper or encourage man’s lukewarm religion or support his personal view of religious practices. The coming move of God’s Spirit will tear down and destroy the religious traditions upon which the church has come to trust and in which they find security. The pouring out of the Spirit of God will not emphasize tolerance to man’s sin but rather turning away from sin. The coming revival will convict sinners and saints alike, causing heartfelt and genuine repentance. Instead of people bouncing around in some foolish and carnal frenzy, prostrate bodies of those weeping and calling upon the name of the Lord will cover the ground. Lives will change because the holy presence and glory of God will not tolerate sin. The love of God will be experienced in a way most have never witnessed before; conviction, awareness, persuasion, and change will flood the hearts of those touched by God’s overwhelming love. Either people will bow, or they will run away – sitting on the fence will not be an option in this revival.
John the Baptist, the prophet who carried the spirit and power of Elijah upon his shoulders, preceded the coming of the Lord Jesus. His message was simple:
And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 3:2)
John’s message was that of repentance. The Kingdom of God, Kingdom authority, and Kingdom power are common and popular topics in the mainstream church today. Nonetheless, very few emphasize the call to repentance. The Kingdom of God will be preceded by repentance! The Kingdom revival will come as God’s people turn away from sin, idols, worldliness, and carnality. When Jesus arrived on the scene, He continued the Kingdom message preached by John:
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 4:17)
Jesus took the message of the Kingdom further than John:
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. (Matthew 21:43)
The promise of inheriting God’s Kingdom is given to those who bear the fruit of the Kingdom. What is the fruit of the Kingdom? The fruit of the Kingdom is produced through genuine repentance and change. It is the fruitfulness of Christlikeness. God, in His wisdom and mercy, knocks hard; He calls loudly, and He shakes violently to cause an awakening. He is searching for anyone paying attention and responding to his call. The Kingdom revival will come to those with an ear to hear and the will to respond. The wars in the Middle East, the widespread fires, earthquakes, health plagues, and storms; the shaking and uncertainty announced by the worldwide banking institutions, and the many perils the global society is facing are the groaning pains of the earth and the zealous cry of God’s Spirit that should serve as a wakeup call to the lateness of the hour and the need to wake up and trim our lamps.
While our nation and the entire world face many calamities, God is calling. Global, national, and local events are touching man’s possessions, wealth, and securities. But the purpose is not the destruction of man but rather that hearts will be touched and turn to God. The shaking we are witnessing is, first and foremost, sent to shake you and me.
Are we listening – are we paying attention – do we hear the cry of the Spirit?
~Paul M Hanssen
Apostle Hanssen! This is an awakening message. Thank you for speaking (writing) with clarity and purpose. We need this! Blessings!
Amen, Lord let me awake and finish the race!!