By Paul M Hanssen
Whilst hanging on the cross in excruciating pain; whilst bearing the shame of nakedness; whilst suffering the humiliation of mocking and scornful mouths; whilst feeling the weight of the sin of humanity upon His shoulders; and whilst experiencing anguish and sorrow of spirit, Jesus never uttered a foul word. His mouth was full of purpose and the fulfillment of His life’s journey while He was clothed in human flesh. He knew where He came from, and He knew where he was going (John 13:3). He was fully aware that where He was, what He was experiencing, and what He was suffering, was the end of the Father’s purpose for sending His only Begotten Son to earth.

Jesus’ final seven statements on the cross were: (Taken from Matthew, Luke, and John and were not necessarily spoken in the following order apart from His first and final statements)
To God, His Father: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
To the seeking thief: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)
To Mary, his mother: “Woman, behold your son”, To John: “Behold thy mother.” (John 19:26-27)
To God: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)
(Go to this lesson taught in 2018 on why Jesus made this statement -
To God: “I thirst.” – I thirst for you, I thirst and long for all humanity (John 19:28)
To all humanity: “It is finished.” – I have completed the work for you (John 19:30)
To God, His Father: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46)
Take note of the first and final statements that Jesus made. Both statements began with Jesus addressing “The Father”. The first statement was a plead to the Father to forgive those who had crucified Him. Those who nailed Jesus to the cross were not aware that an eternal purpose was being accomplished through their deeds. They did not know that without the nails and the hammers in their hands mankind would not have been given redemption. They did not know that the Father had purposed and ordained them and their role in the crucifixion from before time began. Therefore, Jesus pleaded with the Father to forgive them because they knew not what they did.
This should be a lesson for us when we are crucified by mockers, scorners, and the opposers of those who despise our destiny and purpose. Truly, each Roman soldier sent to drive the nails into your flesh (as it were) are ordained by God, the Father. Without them, you and I cannot fulfill the ultimate purpose of our destiny. Therefore, the beginning to the end of the fulfillment of God’s purpose for your life initiates with the forgiveness of those who have no clue what they are doing. They are your Roman soldiers.
Jesus final statement was also addressed to His Father. Here, Jesus committed His Spirit in absolute trust unto His Father. He abandoned Himself and rested in the hands of God knowing that the final purpose could only be reached by Him letting go and by yielding Himself unto Him who designed the blueprint and purpose for His Son. Jesus did not hold back, He did not doubt, He did not distrust, and He did not fear. Rather, He committed Himself unto Him who was able to preserve and keep Him until the fulfillment of all things (Acts 2:27, 2 Timothy 1:12)
All the seven final statements of Jesus were sandwiched between Jesus absolute trust, love, and commitment to His Father. This is the mark of a true Son of God. Whatever you and I may be going through, whatever we are experiencing in our lives, make the Father the beginning and the end of it all; make Him the reason, cause, and purpose. Sandwich all your life’s experiences between Him who is the beginning and the end.
Make the Father the beginning and the end of it all, not the pain, suffering, rejection, and despair. “Father, I forgive others because it’s not them dealing with me, it’s you that is dealing with me. Father, I commit myself to you and rest in your purpose not leaning or resting upon the arms of the flesh but rather committing my spirit into your loving hands.”
Jesus finished His course! What about you? By faith, make the Father the first and the last of who you are, where you are, and what you are going through – this is the mark of the true sons of God.
-Paul M Hanssen