Our vision at Seven Pillars is simple. God has led us to establish this gathering of people worldwide to create a place of worship and the teaching of God's matchless, infallible Word. We believe that in our diversity God wants to unite people of all tongues, nations, ethnic backgrounds, and religious backgrounds into a fellowship of purpose and vision for the end times before the soon return of the Lord Jesus.
Our vision is to see a spiritual awakening worldwide through the efforts of sounding the midnight cry through every possible means of media platform available to us. Our vision is to see an awakening and spiritual restoration.
The motto of SPC is "USHERING IN THE TIMES OF REFRESHING" Acts 3:19. The church, the body of Christ, has found itself in Babylonian captivity. But there is a time of refreshing coming as God's people turn back to Zion and claim their inheritance in God. We welcome anyone to join with us in this vision and be a part of the growing number of God's people who are waking up and realizing the need to climb to the watchtower and sound the alarm of the end-times.


Get In Touch
Church, Int'l Offices & Studio - 711 Harrison Ave, Clarksville
Indiana 47129 - USA
USA: +1.812.697.7888